( ! ) Warning: Use of undefined constant APPID - assumed 'APPID' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in D:\www-data\Public\static\wxpay\WxPay.config.php on line 6
Call Stack
10.0002399328{main}( )...\WxPay.config.php:0

( ! ) Warning: Use of undefined constant APPKEY - assumed 'APPKEY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in D:\www-data\Public\static\wxpay\WxPay.config.php on line 7
Call Stack
10.0002399328{main}( )...\WxPay.config.php:0

( ! ) Warning: Use of undefined constant SIGNTYPE - assumed 'SIGNTYPE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in D:\www-data\Public\static\wxpay\WxPay.config.php on line 8
Call Stack
10.0002399328{main}( )...\WxPay.config.php:0

( ! ) Warning: Use of undefined constant PARTNERKEY - assumed 'PARTNERKEY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in D:\www-data\Public\static\wxpay\WxPay.config.php on line 9
Call Stack
10.0002399328{main}( )...\WxPay.config.php:0

( ! ) Warning: Use of undefined constant APPSERCERT - assumed 'APPSERCERT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in D:\www-data\Public\static\wxpay\WxPay.config.php on line 10
Call Stack
10.0002399328{main}( )...\WxPay.config.php:0